
Philips Accountants (SouthGate) Ltd Scam or Legit?

Who are Philips Accountants (SouthGate) Ltd? STAY TUNED AS WE PEEL BACK THE LAYERS  of  Philips Accountants (SouthGate) Ltd Philips Accountants  (SouthGate) Ltd to be clear not reputable and genuine Philips Accountants Ltd (Telford) . Nicholas Papaphilippou, why are you try to piggy back of a reputable accountings firms reputation this is just a basic bookkeeping service where you fiddle the books for customers? Why is you cannot or will not provide any details of your professional qualifications after we called and requested. You suggested email tho no email is advertised or website or anything else as a matter of fact... interest why would one try to keep such a small online foot print? It is interesting that a lot of companies you have formed or work with as using other reputable company details? Why does one act in this way?   Nicholas Papaphilippou how may directorship roles have you held for companies you are opening 60+? Answer Click Here  Conflict of interest? Are you really a
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